Anyway, I think Sony did a great job at this years E3 press conference, they had a few surprises that really were unexpected, and that's always fun.
PlayStation Move
Sony showed more of PlayStation Move, and showed a few live demonstrations that were pretty good. Sony revealed some of the games that will be coming to the PlayStation Move when it launches later this year. Games mentioned include Time Crisis, Singstar Dance, Echochrome 2, Eyepet, Heavy Rain, Resident Evil 5, Bruswick Bowling, Fight Night, Sports Champions, Move party, Heroes on the Move, Socom 4, The Shoot, Tron and Sorcery. Sony has revealed that 40 developers and publishers are working on games for the PlayStation Move.
They announced that Move will go on sale in Europe on September 15, with the US getting it on September 19 along with some bundles. Japan gets it on October 21. It’s $49.99 for the controller on its own. The sub controller is $29.99. A bundle of both controllers, plus PlayStation Eye will go on sale for $100. Additionally, a PS3 Sports Champion Move Bundle, will be on offer and includes a PS3, Move motion controller, Eye, Sports Champions Blu-ray game and Move game demo disc for $399.99. The PlayStation Eye will also be sold separately for $39.99. SCE Worldwide Studios will also release more than 20 titles that are either dedicated to, or supported with Move in fiscal year 2010 ending March 2011.
The PlayStation Move shooting attachment places the Move motion controller horizontally, and will allow players to hold the motion controller as if they are holding a gun in order to aim at an in-game target. The trigger on the attachment is interlocked with the motion controller T button and will enable users to play not only shooters, but also games that may require precise button input and control. It will be available this fall for $19.99.
PlayStation Plus
Sony has announced PlayStation Plus for the PlayStation Network. The new service will be available for $49.99 in the US per-year, with three months free for a limited time. For elsewhere, it will be €49.99 in Europe, ¥5,000 in Japan and HK$233 in Asia. For a month, it’s: ¥500 (Japan), HK$38 (Asia). For three months: $17.99 (North America), €14.99 (Europe).
The service will allow subscribers to download fully designated PS3 and PSN titles as well as PS One Classics for free for a designated period and charge every month. Jack Tretton has revealed that users will get “hundreds of dollars’ worth of value” with anyone who subscribes in the first month getting Wipeout HD, an inFamous trial and the Rally Cross mini.
Other content the users will get includes avatars, DLC, map packs, discounts, early access to stuff, automatic content download & updates and Qore, all of which will be available as long as you are a subscriber. The service begins on June 22.
The Exclusives
Sony announced that Killzone 3 will be released February 2011. The announcement came at the end of a 3D demo of the Guerrilla shooter. It was also confirmed it would support Move. They showed the single player version of Killzone 3 in normal and 3D mode. The game looks amazing, I really like the new close combat attacks and the jetpack. And it's also nice that you will be able to play in different environments.
John Schappert, EA COO, appeared on the stage and confirmed that the PS3 version of Medal of Honor will get exclusive content. The exclusive is a HD remake of Medal of Honor: Frontline, and it will be free for PS3 users only, when it launches on October 12 in the US and October 15 in Europe.
Sony revealed a new PS3-exclusive Limited Edition Dead Space 2 pack, which will include a PS3 port of the Wii game Dead Space: Extraction for free on January 28. Also, Extraction will include PlayStation Move support. Dead Space: Extraction will be in full HD, and features the entire single-player game complete with all-new trophy support, as well as co-op gameplay, using Move in addition to DualShock 3 and SixAxis controllers. The game will also be sold separately as a standalone game via the PlayStation Store.
Ubisoft announced on stage that the multiplayer beta for Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood will be exclusive to PlayStation 3 and PSN. The game will also get exclusive content on PS3 that you can’t get anywhere else.
Sony has revealed that Mafia II will include exclusive day one content when bought on PlayStation 3. The content will be free and includes exclusive missions and arcade style gameplay. Mafia II will be released on August 24 2010.
Sony has finally announced the release date of Gran Turismo 5, which is Novmeber 2 2010. But only in North America, a release date for Europe wasn't announced. However, I will not be surprised if they delay this video game even more, hopefully they will stick to the announced release date.
The Surprises
The biggest surprise at this years' E3 was when Gabe Newell, from Valve, stepped onto Sony’s stage and announced that Portal 2 is coming to PlayStation 3, and it will include Steamworks. And he also said that Portal 2 on PS3 will be the best version on any console, I agree. PS3’s the only console version of Portal 2 that includes Steamworks. It will make it easier to auto update, use community features, and get downloadable content. Portal 2 is targeted for launch in 2011.
“When the PlayStation 3 was introduced, I was the one of the platform’s biggest critics,” said Newell. “However, Sony has proved that the PlayStation 3 is the most open platform of all the current generation consoles and has worked extremely hard to make the platform the most desirable for consumers and developers.
“As such, we are delighted to announce Portal 2 for the PlayStation 3 and believe the Steamworks support included will make it the best console version of the game".
This was a huge surprise, and I can't believe that they have announced it, because I was so sure that I would never have the opportunity to play Portal 2, and today Sony proved otherwise. My mind is blown, and everyone else's too!
The other announcement that also surprised me was when Sony revealed that a new Twisted Metal video game is coming to PlayStation 3 in 2011.
The new game is being developed by the original team and will include an online team deathmatch mode with helicopters, cars, vans and any other vehicle that you can strap a weapon to. Another mode, Capture the Faction sees you trying to capture the other teams' statue and includes an objective mode, faction based gameplay, a freeway system and rooftop combat.
The game is exclusive to PlayStation 3 and wrapped up a very impressive E3 press conference from Sony.
New E3 PS3 Trailers
Killzone 3
Portal 2
inFamous 2
Final Fantasy XIV Online
LittleBigPlanet 2
Twisted Metal
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